Akademia CEEAO

Szanowni Państwo

Central Eastern European Academy of Oncology to instytucja powołana przez przedstawicieli krajów Europy Środkowo Wschodniej by poprzez edukację poprawiać wyniki leczenia nowotworów w krajach Naszego regionu. Pierwsze działania zostały ukierunkowane na raka gruczołu piersiowego. Z propozycją wystąpił prof. Zoltan Matrai przewodniczący CEEAO powołując zespół ekspertów w ramach komitetu sterującego. Polskie Towarzystwo Chirurgii Onkologicznej jest partnerem programu edukacyjnego, który bardzo szeroko ma przedstawić aktualne problemy diagnostyki i leczenia raka piersi. Wśród wykładowców będą zarówno przedstawiciele z regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej jak i partnerzy z Europy Zachodniej.

Poniżej orientacyjne tematy które zostaną poruszone w ramach programu Edukacyjnego CEEAO:
1. Webinar: Gross Anatomy of the Breast and Axilla. Physiology and Developmental stages of the Breast. Anatomy and vascular supply of free and pedicled flaps for breast reconstruction. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
2. Webinar: Breast Cancer Epidemiology. Effect of exercise, oestrogen exposure and diet on breast cancer risk. Hereditary breast cancer genetics and Risk prediction techniques. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
3. Webinar: Breast Screening. Screening for high familial risk women. Risk reducing breast and ovarian surgery for women at high familial risk. Use of chemoprophylaxis in the management of women at high familial risk. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
4. Webinar: Molecular Profiling of Breast Cancer and DCIS. Pathology of high risk lesions. DCIS. Pathology of breast cancer. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
5. Webinar: Clinical presentation, diagnosis and staging of breast cancer. The Breast MDT including the role of the oncoplastic MDT. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
6. Webinar: Surgery to the breast: mastectomy. Surgery to the breast: Breast Conservation techniques. Oncoplastic breast conserving surgery. Lipofilling in breast reconstruction and oncoplastic surgery. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
7. Webinar: Breast surgery after primary systemic therapy. Surgery for Locally Recurrent Breast Cancer. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
8. Webinar: Management of the axilla: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. Axillary node clearance. Morbidity of axillary surgery. Lymphoedema and its treatment including lymph node transfer. Axillary management in the neoadjuvant setting. Axillary Reverse Lymphatic Mapping. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
9. Webinar: Immediate Reconstruction: General and oncological considerations. Delayed Reconstruction: General and oncological considerations. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
10. Webinar: Breast Implants: Design, safety and indications for use. Specific Implant based techniques for reconstruction including submuscular, ADM and Dermal Flap. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
11. Webinar: Specific Autologous flaps techniques. Goldilocks Procedure. Nipple reconstruction. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
12. Webinar: Complications of breast surgery and their management. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
13. Webinar: Adjuvant endocrine therapy. Adjuvant chemotherapy. Adjuvant molecular therapies. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
14. Webinar: Primary systemic therapy for breast cancer. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
15. Webinar: Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
16. Webinar: Breast Cancer in special groups: Young women with early breast cancer. Breast Cancer in Special Groups: Breast cancer in pregnancy. Fertility preservation in women with breast cancer. Elderly breast cancer. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
17. Webinar: Management of breast cancer in Women with familial breast cancer genes. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
18.Webinar: Breast cancer in the male patient. Rare forms of breast malignancy: Breast sarcoma and phylloides tumours. Fibromatosis of the breast. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
19. Webinar: Locally advanced disease. Metastatic disease. Prognosis, diagnosis and oncological management. Role of surgery in metastatic disease to the bone. Role of surgery in metastatic disease affecting the CNS. Role of surgery in liver metastases for breast cancer. Role of surgery in lung metastases from breast cancer. The role of surgery to the primary cancer in stage 4 disease. Palliative care. Supportive care. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
20. Webinar: Breast Cancer survivorship: Chronic pain and sensory changes. Breast cancer survivorship: Body Image, cosmesis, sexuality and psychological health. Breast Cancer survivorship: Infertility. Breast cancer survivorship: Bone health after breast cancer. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
21. Webinar: Clinical trials and quality assurance in breast cancer. Breast unit design and certification. Nursing Issues and the role of the specialist nurse in breast care. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
22. Webinar: Basics of biostatistics. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
23. Webinar: Specialities of MCQ texts. Suggested time: one session 60 mins
24. Webinar: How to analyse a complex scientific paper (for example about a prospective randomized controlled study). Levels of evidences. Specialities of the oral part of the EBSQ/UEMS Breast Surgery Exam. Suggested time: one session 60 mins

Poniżej członkowie komitetu naukowego oraz wspierającego w ramach Akademii CEEAO
Prof. Andrej Kaprinf from the Russian Federation as leading oncologist of Russia and as Vice President of the CEEAO
Dr Ferenc Viczkó, State Secretary of Health, Serbia
Prof. Dr. Petr Krivorotko, Head of Dept of Breast Surgery, NN Petrov Institute, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
Prof. Dawid Murawa, Co Founder of CEEBCSC and President of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology, Poland
Prof. Alexandru Blidaru, President of the Breast Surgical Society, Romania
Prof. Agnieszka Kolacinska-Wow, Member of ESSO Board, Poland
Dr. Alexander Bessonov, Head of BU, Leningrad Regional Oncological Center, Russian Federation
Prof. Dr. Martin Sabol, Department of Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University, St. Elisabeth´s Cancer Institute, Slovakia
as well all the CEEAO Academicians
as well CEEBCS National Representatives

As international supporters
Prof. Tibor Kovács as Founder and President of Project BRESO, Past President of ESSO, China
Prof. Ashutosh Kothari, Founder of BreastGlobal and Lead of BU Guys St Thomas Hospital Central London, UK
Prof. Yazan Massanat, Founder of Project IBreastBook who has wide experience how to organize webinars, UK
Prof. Christoph Andree, Founder of the World Famous International Breast Symposium Düsseldorf, Germany
Prof. Thorsten Kühn, Founder of the Project EUBREAST, Germany

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WebAcademy 15 June 2021

Dr hab. med. Dawid Murawa Prof. UZ/Prof. WSZUiE
Prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej